Sunday, June 1, 2008

Make Money Blogging - Lesson 1

Make Money Blogging - Lesson 1

Welcome, I am Alpha Wolf, the editor of Make Money Blogging 101 and These sites will provide tips and techniques for beginning bloggers. The tips will assist you in making money online. If you have questions not covered in Make Money Blogging 101 please feel free to contact us at

This blog will assist beginners that want to Make Money Blogging! This blog is new and will effectively present proven concepts and ways to better your strategies in making money on the Internet. This blog is intended for beginners. However, we will discuss other advanced issues like the importance of back links and how page placement can be improved. First, you have to create a blog to Make Money. I believe that (owned by Google) is the best medium to launch your blogging career! After going to you will have to create an account. Once you create your account you'll have to select a blog title and blog URL. Please give some thought to these titles and URL links because they will become your keywords. Your blog's title will appear on your published blog. The URL you select will be used by visitors to access your blog. Remember, the blog title and URL should have some commonality. It is very important to use your keywords in your Blog's Title and URL Address. It will greatly assist you when it comes to search engine rankings, indexing, and later Making Money.
This may be the best way for a beginner to start out. Build a blog on a specific topic and create good quality content for it. Google will then index and rank your blog page and all you have to do is kick back as Google sends thousands of visitors to your site. This approach works well because you will learn more about Internet marketing as you go and this approach is FREE!

After creating your account on and establishing your keywords (Title and URL) you'll be asked to select a template. Our blogs are layed out on a Minima template. This template works well for our use.

Thanks for tuning in and please look for our next article on Make Money Blogging!

After you create your Blog on there are several settings that you should change. First, go to the "Basic" setting and create a description for your Blog. This description should use keywords to again remind the reader of the blog content. Secondly, go to the "Comments" setting and change the comments to include "anyone". This will allow anyone to comment on your Blog (no restrictions). Now the fun starts............. check the "Customize" link in the upper right portion of your blog. It is here that you can make custom changes to the layout.

Now for advertising and Making Money. First, you'll have to open up an AdSense account with Google. After creating the AdSense account we suggest that you place ads in three strategic locations of the blog. First, place a vertical 200 x 90 wide button in the upper right margin. Secondly, place a 728 x 90 Leaderboard banner on the footer margin and lastly, place a 468 x 60 banner below the blog posts area on the blog. This format displays symmetry, balance and effective locations for the AdSense advertisements.

Now that we're setup and ready to Make Money we'll have to get indexed by Google. The simplest way to see if you're indexed is to view your blog and copy your URL from the browser and paste it into the search engine of You'll be indexed if a link back to your blog is located through Simply put, does the search engine know that your site exists? If you're not indexed how do you get indexed? Good question.... Start providing fresh content on your site/blog. Google doesn't like a copied and pasted content when it comes to indexing.

Now lets look at a few other things. Page content, Google likes original and unique content. You will get indexed quicker using original content on your blog. If you copy and paste content found elsewhere on the Internet you may not get indexed. Keywords, are very important. The rule of thumb is that you want to use your keyword 6 or 7 times per one hundred words. (keyword density should not exceed 6-7% of your total article) This is very important. Content Volume, Google likes volume. If you're blogging about making money Online you could write about a variety of ways to make money on the Internet. You could write about blogging and advertising. You could also write about good marketing strategies. This holds true for writing about hunting or fishing as well. Remember, use your keywords 6-7% of the time when writing about your topic of interest. Page Ranking & Back Links, How do you get on the top/first page at Google? If you had a page rank of 10 you would be on the top page. Google ranks pages 1-10. If you're recently indexed with limited content you may have a 1 page ranking. This ranking can be improved with back links. What are Back links? Back Links are links placed on other websites, blogs, forums or directories that connect people to your site. Here's a good guide to follow: As you write your article try to use approximately 400 words. Try to use your keywords approximately 24 times. Remember to use your keywords in the Blog post title, first sentence, and last sentence. Put your Keyword in bold type at least once in the article. Put your link in the link field (of your blog) so that the post links back to your site/blog.

The link would be - replace "yourblog" with your sites url name. Post your article on your Blog. After you have finished posting on your Blog go to and post your article on their website. First, you'll have to create an account (it's quick and easy) secondly, post you article. Remember the article has to be somewhat original. Change a few words around and then link your keywords back to your original site. Google now sees links back to your web site from you've just created your first back link.

Note - For the GoArticles post. When linking back to your site (back links) use the text noted below to create the hyperlinks. If you have a hunting article and want to link back the keywords "great hunting" to: it would look like this. When the below text is published it will show only the words "great hunting".

<*a href="">great hunting <*/a>

This is the code to make a hypertext link - the two * should be removed as I had to put them in as spaces for you to read this code. With out the * you would see this great hunting If you hover over the link you will see the back link pointing to in your browser window.

Alpha Wolf

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